Join Our Restoration

UPDATE: We have reached the $50,000 goal and work has begun on restoring the stained glass windows!
For the last 225 years the First Baptist Church at 45 Washington Street has been an integral part of downtown Saratoga Springs. As Washington Street is transformed with new development, this church, housing the oldest congregation in Saratoga Springs, is committed to maintaining and preserving its sacred building.
The dedicated congregation of 30 active members has already invested thousands of dollars towards the maintenance and preservation of our building including the roof, interior plaster work, and iconic bell tower, which received a Preservation Recognition Award from the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation in 2015. The congregation offsets expenses by sharing space with Terra Nova Church of Saratoga.
However, there is still more work to be done! With your help the First Baptist Church will repair the beautiful 1906 stained glass windows.
These repairs include their delicate removal, re-leading, installation, and protection of each window. Some windows may cost as much as $25,000 to repair, so we will begin with those windows most in need. Your donations will not only help with this huge endeavor, but ensure the preservation of the stained glass windows, character-defining features of this beautiful 1855 Greek Revival church.
Continue the Restoration!
The initial $50,000 raised was to repair the most severely deteriorated windows, which would restore five of the seventeen stained glass windows. The Foundation awarded a $1,000 grant towards this project and the First Baptist Church received a $5,000 Sacred Sites matching grant from the New York Landmarks Conservancy as well as $25,000 grant from the Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust, in addition to individual donations. The congregation continues to identify alternative resources to help with funding, but also needs continued help from our local community to restore all of the windows. Click here to read an article about the restoration in Saratoga Today.
There is more work to be done on the remaining stained glass windows. If you are interested in preserving the stained glass windows of this beautiful 1855 historic landmark building please donate. All donations are appreciated and tax-deductible. To make a donation, please click here and specify “FBC Stained Glass Windows” in the note or call (518) 587-5030.
Any gifts over $500 will receive special permanent acknowledgement. Additional naming opportunities are available for large contributions.
For more information about the church, restoration, or to schedule a tour of the Sanctuary with its beautiful windows, please visit the First Baptist Church website or call (518) 584-6301.
Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust
In Memory of Olive Dake and Gladys Hall
In Memory of Paul W. Henningson
The New York Landmarks Conservancy Sacred Sites Fund Grant
Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation
The Adirondack Trust Company
Diana & Richard Crookes
Alice Deering
The Holliday Foundation
In Memory of Jim & Carryl Cudney
Cudney’s Launderers & Dry Cleaners
Seth Klarman
Longfellows Inn & Restaurant
Olde Bryan Inn
Richard & Andrea Pollock
Segrave-Swanberg Family
Terra Nova Church
Diane Watson
The Watsons
Ron & Michelle Winne
Virginia Adler
Phyllis Aldrich
Marilyn Ammerman Bradley
Annette Argyros
Michael & Stacie Arpey
In memory of Concetta Benequista
Laura Benton
George & Susan Bergmann
Susan Brynteson
John & Jean Buhac
William J. Burke & Sons
Pat & Carol Carroll
Laura Conklin
Nancy S. Cook
Peter & Terri Coseo
Allan & Phyllis Crocker
Steven & Linda Davis
James DeMasi & Judith Dunn
Charles & Reisa Donath
Todd & Ellen Downing
Richard & Caroline Driscoll
Bonnie Eberlin
Richard & Ann Fairbank
Colin Faulds & Victor Fratesi
William & Lorraine Fitzsimmons
Margaret Gagne
James Gold
Catherine Golden & Michael Marx
Willard & Holly Grande
Ken & Cherie Grey
Linda Harvey-Opitek
Don Haswell
Arthur Henningson, Jr.
Peter & Jan Henningson
Canon Kay Carol Hotaling, FHC
Field Horne
Frost Hurff Architects
Anne & George Ide
Lawrence & Lynn Johnson
Rosemarie & Daniel Johnson
John Krasnicki
Sarah A. LeRoux
Daniel & Eva Loucks
Lou & Sue Malikow
Gretchen Marcell
Andrea Masters & Bruce W. Piasecki
Kathleen Mattes & Andy J. Marsh
Frank McCarthy & Family
Tamara Millis Chambers
Joseph & Colleen Milot
Thomas & Eileen Mone´
Oncall Plumbing & Heating, LLC
Daniel C. Murphy
Mary Naughton
Kathryn Oppedisano
Daniel & Lynn O’Rourke
Michelle Paquette-Deuel
Joseph & Pat Peck
Vincent Pelliccia
Dottie Pepper & David Normoyle
Shane Pitkin
Helen Porter
Judith Pratt
Robert & Angela Pringle
Lisa Ribons
Saratoga Business Journal
Marie Schilling
Gregory Schwartz
Doris Segrave
Cynthia Spence
Julia S. & Robert Stokes
The Arthur R. Swanberg Revocable Trust
Kathryn Swanberg
Robert & Diane Taylor
Temple Sinai
Reuben & Nicole Todd
Stephen E. Towne
Mary Jane Tunison
Richard Valentine
Fr. Marshall J. Vang, Bethesda Episcopal Church
Matthew E. Veitch
Dave Wagner
In memory of Reverend William Waite
Ralph Warrington
In memory of Lorraine Wellington
David & Nancy Wilder
Mary Withington
Tonya Yasenchak
Marie Zigo