33-35 Caroline Street

Tonight, the Design Review Board will review an application for demolition and redevelopment of 33 and 35 Caroline Street.  The applicant, Oldest Lighthouse LLC, is currently under contract to purchase the properties, in total three tax parcels, from the current owners.  The applicant is proposing to remove the two existing single-story buildings and construct a six-story structure.

At the meeting, the first step in the review process will take place – determining if the existing buildings have architectural or historic significance. While the buildings to be demolished are home to favorite local businesses, D’Andrea’s Pizza and Union Coach Works, they do not have architectural or historic significance.  Therefore, the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is not opposed to their removals. To watch the live meeting at 6PM, click here.

The second step in the process will be to review the proposed six-story structure. This will take place at a future meeting. The Foundation does not believe that the design of the proposed six-story structure meets the Architectural Review Approval Standards.  It has significant concerns regarding the height, mass, and scale of the building.  The building lacks any character to make it distinct, looking as though it could be located anywhere in the United States.  The design does little to differentiate the elevations.  The primary façade should face Caroline Street and be distinct from the secondary façade of Pavilion Place.  The Foundation recommends that the applicant break the massing into smaller visual components consistent with the neighboring buildings.  Also, the windows and doors should complement the window and door sizes, patterns, and rhythms of the neighboring buildings.  To see the Foundation’s letter submitted to the Design Review Board, including the seven Architectural Review Approval Standards, please click here.

If you are concerned about the proposal, please provide written comments through the City’s website and address the Design Review Board in your comments. Click here to provide a commentWhen providing comments regarding the building, the proposed building, the Foundation encourages you to include wording references the Architectural Review Approval Standards.


30 & 30 1/2 Caroline Street 

This past Monday, the Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed an application for a variance for the Minimum Build-Out Percentage at 30 ½ Caroline Street, the site of the former Sperry’s Restaurant.  The applicant/owner, who also owns 30 Caroline Street, acquired the property in January of this year.

In September 2022, the Design Review Board approved a building on the vacant parcel at 30 Caroline Street, where a historic building was lost to fire on Thanksgiving Day 2016.

The approved building is five stories with the fifth floor set back from the primary facade.  The first floor will have 1,800 square feet of commercial space and 11 apartments above.

The applicant/owner is now seeking to increase the size of the initially approved project at 30 Caroline Street by combining it with 30 ½ Caroline Street. The new project will have 40-45 units. The Foundation does not object to the proposed variance the applicant/owner is seeking and is pleased that the proposal includes restoring Sperry’s Restaurant, a local culturally significant location.  Based on the Architectural Elevation submitted with the application, the Foundation has concerns about the proposed new construction above and east of the existing Sperry’s Restaurant.

The Foundation will continue to monitor this project and will provide notice to our members and friends when it will be reviewed by the Design Review Board.  Should you want to receive direct notifications  from the City of Saratoga Springs’ land use boards, please click here.