On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 6 p.m. the Design Review Board reviewed the revised plans for 30-30 1/2 Caroline Street.
Previously, at the September 25, 2024, Design Review Board (DRB) meeting, Olsen Associates and The LA Group presented a proposal to expand the approved project at 30-30 1/2 Caroline Street, the former location of Sperry’s Restaurant. While the DRB accepted the proposed height, they raised concerns about the mass and scale of the addition, noting that the design did not respect the historic character of the building. They recommended a clearer distinction between the original structure and the new construction. No final decision was made at the meeting.
Per the Guidelines for New Construction:
- Building additions should not look as though they are original to the historic building. They should be distinct from, and identifiable, as an addition to, the historic structure. Stepping down the roof line or stepping back from the primary façade may achieve this.
- An addition should be smaller in scale than the original building so that it does not overshadow the existing building. It should complement the original building’s roof form, massing, floor heights, proportion and window and door fenestration.
- An addition should be located where it is least visible and designed to minimally affect the perception of the original structure.
- Additions should not obscure, damage or destroy the character-defining features of the primary building or streetscape.
- Additions should be constructed so that, if removed in the future, the historic integrity of the building or its materials would not be irreparably damaged.
- Materials and details should be similar to, or complement, the primary structure.
At the Wednesday, January 29, Design Review Board (DRB) meeting, the applicant presented their revised plans from the previous DRB meeting. They sought approval for the height and mass of the revisions which the DRB unofficially approved. However, the DRB members had differing opinions on whether the design was appropriate.
The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation continued to express concerns about the height, mass, and scale of the proposed addition, recognizing its potential to overwhelm the historic building. In its submitted letter, the Foundation recommended a more creative and contextual design for the addition at 30 ½ Caroline Street. It suggested that the addition should differ in height and design from 30 Caroline Street to visually break up its mass and scale.
Recognizing Sperry’s Restaurant as one of Saratoga Springs’ oldest restaurants, the Foundation emphasized the importance of preserving as much of the original structure as possible. However, it did not oppose removing the post-1982 one-story addition to allow for a more thoughtful and contextual design.
No final decisions were made at the meeting. The applicant will return to a future meeting with updated revisions.