2012 Candlelight House Tour Program
2012 CHT Program FINAL_FINAL2
66 Franklin Street: Summary of Issues
The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation has been involved for the last four years in efforts to save the Winans-Crippen House located at 66 Franklin Street. This document summarizes the issues, actions and reasons why the Foundation has advocated for the...
Preserving the Process: Response to Saratogian Editorial
Preserving the Process In its editorial of December 2, 2012 “City should let 66 Franklin St. be demolished,” the Saratogian properly recognized the Historic Review Ordinance requirement that the owner of 66 Franklin Street submit a proposed development plan in...
Preservation Foundation Seeks Order to Stop Demolition of Winans-Crippen House
Finding serious deficiencies in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on the proposed demolition of the Winans-Crippen House at 66 Franklin Street, the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation (SSPF) has filed for a temporary restraining order to block the...
Why the Winans-Crippen House Matters
Franklin Square was one of the city’s most desirable neighborhoods at the time local merchant David Winans commissioned noted architect J.D. Stevens, who had designed the United States and Grand Union Hotels on Broadway, to design his new home he would build in 1871...
2012-2013 Contractor & Business Directory
This directory is currently under construction. We thank you for your patience and be sure to check back soon. If you have an immediate need for a contractor or individual with experience working on historic properties please call us at 518-587-5030 or email...