Planned Giving

Planned Giving
One way of making a generous gift to the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation (Foundation) is through a lifetime gift of assets or in your bequest planning. Through a planned gift you can help ensure the Foundation’s financial stability long into the future.
This opportunity is available to everyone regardless of age and allows you to support the Foundation’s mission while providing you and your loved ones with tax and financial benefits. Below are some planned giving options to consider.
A gift through your will for a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate. This can be done through a new will or a codicil to your existing will. In addition, you can designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy.
A Charitable Lead Trust, or CLT, can be funded with assets such as cash, stock, or real estate. The CLT would provide the Foundation with an explicit dollar amount or percentage of assets for a specified number of years. At the end of this term, the remainder would go to your designated recipient.
A CLT may be a good option for assets that produce significant income on an ongoing basis.
A Charitable Remainder Trust, or CRT, can be funded with assets such as cash, stock, or real estate. The CRT then pays you, or others you name, a specific dollar amount or a percentage of trust assets for a number of years or for life. After payments are complete to your designated recipients, the remaining assets would then be distributed to the Foundation.
A CRT may be a good choice for an asset, such as stocks or real estate, that has appreciated significantly but provide little income.
Donor Advised Funds are donated to a public foundation which then administers those funds, including deciding how to invest the assets and which identified charities to provide grants. The donor, or their representative, reserves the right to advise the fund administrator on which charities to support.
Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation Inc
EIN: 14-1590478
Let us thank you!
If you have included the Foundation as part of your planned giving, please let us know. We would like to thank you and recognize your generosity.
While the Foundation has provided brief descriptions of some popular giving strategies, we encourage you to speak to your financial advisor or estate planning attorney for advice on which approach is best for you.
For additional information on planned giving, please contact Dianne Winter, Development Director, or (518) 587-5030.